Beyoncé had the world tuned into HBO Saturday night, April 23rd, with the premiere of her special Lemonade. Right upon until the premiere, no one had any idea what Lemonade was going to be about.
As it turned out, it’s Beyoncé’s new album that many have been anticipating, Queen Bey surprised fans by releasing her album on HBO, something no artist has ever done before and for one day HBO was totally free, which is also a first.

“Lemonade” was broken into chapters, as different titles would appear on the screen when the film played out, which lead us to believe they were the titles of the songs that would play. Each segment was slowly transitioned in and Beyonce would give brief interludes in between each.
Kahlil Joseph, Melina Matsoukas, Todd Tourso, Dikayl, Rimmasch, Jonas Akerlund and Mark Romanek are all credited as directors of the Lemonade visual album.
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