Meek Mill blessed the internet last week with release of his “Summer Sixteen / Panda (Remix)” freestyle, which was for the most part well received. We speculated that Meek Mill could be in violation of the gag order the a judge placed on him 2 months ago, according to TMZ, Meek is now allowed to release new music to protect his brand; but it only through FREE platforms like SoundCloud and YouTube.

I’m not what’s the point of that or why a judge is even concerned the way Meek releases his music but that’s the situation he’s in. At the very least, Meek Mill is now a liberty to release his anticipated Dreamchasers 4 mixtape, or something to hold fans over until he’s off of house arrest which will last until summer.
We will more than likely receive more new music from Meek since he’s already done so with the remixes of both Summer Sixteen, Panda and verse on Young Thug’s Digits.
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