Power season 2 episode 1: A Recap
After a ten-month hiatus, Starz hit show, Power, is back with an almighty bang. Maybe the break has been too long for you, which is why we will do a quick gallop down memory lane in a bid to refresh your sense of imagery. Last season, we left it off at the point where the three main players were getting to make or break points in their lives. Aside from watching TV series, playing games like w88.com is also a great way to experience leisure.
Ghost’s Empire in Jeopardy
Ghost still rules the New York underworld. He deals drugs with a calculated sense of caution but his ruthlessness in dealing with his detractors, real or perceived is legendary, and it shocks his remaining rivals to the core.

Angela Valdes is still looking for the distributor, the man who has given law enforcement countless nights of looking and trying to figure things out. Unknown to her, the man is Ghost, and he is her ticket to the beaches of Miami…In the meantime, Tommy Egan terrorizes the streets with a heavy dose of badassery and is almost reunited with Valdes for the first time since high school. However, the circumstances are not so alluring.
Betrayal & Revelations
Power season 2 episode 1 gives us a taste of things to come in a major way. Pink Sneakers, the female pantomime villain of the show is back in town and she is on a mission to terminate Ghost. True to his name, he lives through it. In the meantime, Tommy makes a major decision; Angela must die, and nobody can stop it. He makes it through her door but finds no one at home. For a single mind blinding moment, he fears that his friend James might be in there. Luckily for everyone involved, Ghost can barely make it anywhere at this point.

The upheavals are a tad too much for poor Tommy, who calls Holly to tell her he loves her and then goes on to do something not so intelligent; breaking into a house to obtain a gun and a wad of money. He does not make it out because he finds his head at the wrong side of a baseball bat. For long, agonizing stretches of this episode afterward, we do not see any traces of Tommy Egan.
The suspense that hangs in the air is pretty thick until we realize that the house Tommy goes into last is actually his mother’s. In there, away from the streets, he tries to get his act together and reveals to his mother what he fears most: that Ghost has now changed and cannot be trusted.
James ‘Ghost’ St Patrick finally learns the truth about Angela; she is not the sensual girl he is in love with, but the law itself, just what he needs at the moment. Their relationship becomes one huge circus because he now firmly believes that she is trying to hunt him down.
Angela Unravels
Angela is in the meantime experiencing the end of the world as she knows it. She loses her hold on the Lobos case and gets demoted. From there, things just turn uglier as she realizes that James is withdrawing into himself and the dreams of raunchy nights in Miami go up in a puff. However, she is not willing to lose her grip on the Lobos investigation even when she is off the case.
She decides to enlist the help of some contacts of Nomar’s towards this end. But she is not mentally prepared for it and it shows when she makes a huge mistake, one she will definitely lose sleep over.
Kanan Wants His Crown Back
Kanan’s days of imprisonment are over, which is why he slips seamlessly and blends in perfectly with the shadows that haunt Ghost’s distribution. He has big things planned, but it is not certainly a reception party for the boys; He is looking for Pink Sneakers, his mercenary of choice, but he is not going around knocking on doors, decked in a suit, flowers in hand.
He is here to terminate her for the failure to serve her cold and bloody brand of morning tea to Ghost, the distributor himself.
Kanan (played by 50 Cent) even has bigger plans. He is hungry for the streets, hungry for power and even hungrier to wreak havoc and destruction upon his erstwhile friends, Egan, and St Patrick. It is a case of perfect timing here because Ghost is still smarting from the Angela revelation and Tommy is horribly unbalanced.
The Dominoes are Set
What we expect to follow up here is folks dodging bullets and serving theirs in a dangerous game of the cat and the mice. Who will triumph? Is Kanan too rusty for the outside or is Ghost too stubborn to crumble? Can Egan get his act together in time to save his beloved friend? We surely can’t wait to find out now, can we?
Watch Power, Season 2 Episode 1: Consequences
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