The week before last, the episode comes to a close with Dre having to pop one into a friend of his by order from Kanan. Let’s get into this week’s episode that was relatively calm until the closing minutes of it. It begins with Holly being interrogated by the feds about the person who they believe is Ghost, her boyfriend. She looks like she is about to spill the beans and is convinced to call Tommy, who does not pick up.
Ghost is missing his children and wants to connect with his son. This is interrupted when all the work he put into the Vibe party is credited to Stern, and you know that nobody puts Ghost in a corner. In true Ghost style, he lets Stern have it, but we now see why Stern is the boss.
He does try and arm twist him into accepting that it is a great thing. The forced partnership at Truth was messy for Ghost, and now Stern has made Cantos the new club GM, meaning that Ghost reports to him and not the other way around.
We then see Dre and he is not taking too well the image he has of his friend before he had to shoot him in the trunk of a car. Tommy is at the restaurant asking Kanan to pay up.
Meanwhile, Tommy has convinced Ghost that Angela is a whistleblower for the feds, and so he decides to follow her, only to find her having a tete-a-tete with Greg Knox, a former fling and the lawyer. Now the bromance is under threat because Ghost does not trust Holly and Tommy has all kinds of suspicions about Angela.
And now back to Holly, who is now finding out what she thinks is the truth about the night when a bullet nearly ended her at Truth. This is thanks to a number of voicemail messages from Tommy.
Angela begins to see possible connections between Ghost and Tommy Egan, a former high school classmate. She hopes against hope that Jamie is not involved with the dark side.

Ghost needs to move product and asks Ruiz to take out the Serb and in exchange, he will run that new expanded territory. This is after Tommy runs late so we are all curious to see what BFF has to say about this. More aww moments when Ghost bonds with his son.
Tommy finally arrives to find the deal has been made and does not take it kindly. He has an alternative plan to find the storage space where the Serb is and of course, talks to his buddy Ghost about that shady deal with Ruiz, but was quickly cut off because his son is still in the hotel room Before Tommy takes Tariq home, he convinces Ghost to take out the Serb pipeline which translates to more profit.
Tasha goes into full mom mode and is livid as to why Tariq wanted to see his father and goes in on Tommy for the same reason and questions him as to why he did not tell her that Ghost and Angela were sleeping together.
Jamie texts Angela to tell her that he is waiting for her at her place. Angela and Ghost are busy assuring one another that all is well and they can trust one another. In addition, Greg, shows up at the club and unnerves Ghost. Meanwhile, Tommy makes his hit on the Serbs who do not suspect it is them at all and agrees to the plan that Tommy had put in his ear…success!
At a sex party, Ghost meets Stern’s wife who knows that her husband is up to no good in the bathroom. IT turns out he bats for the other team and tries to get some girls to give Ghost a good time. Meanwhile, Holly is being told to head back to Ohio and while she is cleaning up her tears in the bathroom is confronted by Angela who still thinks Tommy is Ghost.
Holly spills the beans on Ghost’s true identity and now wants Tommy’s name cleared. With this revelation, she meets up with Ghost and greets him and… now have to wait for next week. This show is showing no signs of slowing down, for sure.
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