So last week, Greg sees Angela and Ghost together and she has found out that her baby’ is the real Ghost. I wonder what she will do with this information. This week’s episode kicks off with a meeting between Holly and Angela and she asks Holly to provide proof of against Ghost. Holly brings to light that Ghost once gave Tommy a gun to hide it for him.

Meanwhile, the Serb is on a torture spree to get some non-existent truth from the Albanians about the hit that Tommy planned. My fear of rodents just went a notch higher with this torture scene, by the way. The Serb, Vladmir, is asked by Ghost to accompany them to meet the new distributor who will be moving product on his turf. After he kills the Albanian in front of Ghost and Tommy, Ghost realizes that this guy might be hard to control. He asks Tommy what he knows about Dre and vouches for him saying that he is alright by him.
At the fed office, Angela seems a little distracted as Greg talks about Lobos being on the move. Jamie texts asking if they are still meeting for lunch. While at the lunch, Jamie mentions that Tariq got suspended for fighting in school and feels guilty that he has not been there for him. The conversation gets awkward – Hidden truths can be a downer in relationships between a fed and a known drug dealer, right? Angela texts Holly to find out if she has found anything. We see a determined Holly who is turning the loft upside down looking for the gun but Tommy walks in on her. Holly subtly warns Tommy to be careful on his next job with Ghost, to which Tommy brags that he is too smart to get shot. Holly manages to find the gun in the car.
We then see the big meeting of the distributors with people asking where Canaan and Dre are, to which Ghost brushes off. The guy sipping tea from fine china made me laugh a little. As Greg is informing Angela that Lobos is on his way to NYC, Holly texts her about finding the gun. As she leaves to go meet her, Greg follows her. He sees 2 OMG moments at the same time – Jamie’s car and Holly walking into the same spot that Angela just went to. The gun Holly gives Angela is not the one that she is looking for, so Holly asks for it back.

As Shawn and Tasha bond some more over a gun lesson, Ghost drops the kids off and has a heart to heart with them about things working out despite the current situation.
Tommy and Ghost meet up for dinner and as they talk shop, Tommy asks Ghost to be careful of Angela as she is still a fed. Holly shows up to the dinner which Ghost wasn’t expecting, when Tom,y steps away from the table, a infuriated Ghost asks her why she hasn’t left yet, he tells her that the needs to leave town ASAP and he tells her to meet him at Truth.
Dre goes to meet Ruiz and Poncho. Ruiz informs Dre of the meeting to which he wasn’t invited. Ruiz promises to have Dre’s back, but only Dre’s, not Canaan. This was a key moment and will become something.
It’s 10pm and Angela is at the dinner solo and Ghost is at Truth. They are both waiting on Holly. She goes to see Ghost. Holly lies to him that she stole Tommy’s grandmother’s ring (which he gave her by the way).
Back at Truth, Cantos reveals to Ghost that Stern is getting a divorce and it might get expensive and ugly. He gets a call from Angela who says they have to cancel their plans. He tries to find out about Tommy’s case and in the moment realizes that something is not right between them. Angela thinks it’s time to take a break until the Tommy case blows over.
Ghost is driving while on the phone with Tommy who tells him that Vlad is asking a lot of questions, Ghost is confident that they can stay ahead a couple of steps. As he completes the call, he rear ends another car. Angela is told to get an arrest warrant for Tommy and at the same time is informed that Jamie has been arrested after Greg flagged his license plate. Ghost gets an earful from Tasha asking if he was drunk while driving. Ghost is released and gets a ride home with her, but not before they see Angela entering the station.
Tasha picks the ride home to question Ghost about Angela. He mentions that he has known her since high school and that she is a federal agent who is closing in on Tommy. She does not take this well, at all. Tasha encourages him to continue seeing her for the sake of their family. She gets home and in her frustration, comes on to Shawn who is only too willing to oblige.
Back at Ghost’s, Angela confronts him about Holly’s whereabouts and mentions that she came up in the investigation. Ghost tells her that she got into a fight with Tommy and he helped her get out of town. By the way, she did not leave town and tells Tommy she went out for a walk. She uses her charm and asks them to leave town, something that Tommy brushes off. She finally tells Tommy that she had been called in for questioning but assures her she said nothing. She tells him everything from Angela needing proof about Ghost to her looking for the gun. She then gives him an ultimatum – her or Ghost. Judging from the names he calls her, she tearfully leaves a cussing Tommy handcuffed to the bed and leaves.
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