Legendary movie director Spike Lee is back behind the lens once again with a new film called “CHI-RAQ,” which is due in theaters December 4th and then on Amazon Prime.
Here’s the problem
Well problems really….First one being that this is a movie not a documentary called Chi-Raq, then just from what I’ve seen in the trailer, it’s very theatrical, dramatic and over the top. This is something we’ve all come to expect from Spike Lee.

That would be awesome if this was referring to anything else other than that region of Chicago, if you know anything about the “Chi-Raq” which is the South side of Chicago, in particular the area of Englewood, then you know it’s not a laughing matter. It’s very serious and when watching this trailer, there is no sign that their taking things seriously, it’s quite the opposite, it’s sensationalized and comes off as inconsiderate or uniformed at the very least.
It’s just a trailer though
Spike Lee is an intelligent guy, and his films for the most part always have a message which is usually delivered through an obscurely vulgar and humorous lens. So maybe this film will do the same thing for the South side of Chicago….That’s what I’m hoping for.
This is Spike Lee after all
I’d like to believe that Spike Lee knows better, especially when you consider that he’s long since been vocal and critical about his rival Tyler Perry’s films showing black people in a negative light. So it would be ironic that he ends up doing the same thing he accused Perry of.
Then again, Spike Lee did make Bamboozled which was awful in many ways, so who knows.
It could be great
I want to give this a chance though, especially when the cast includes Samuel L. Jackson, Nick Cannon, Wesley Snipes, Jennifer Hudson, John Cusack, Teyonah Parris, Harry Lennix and Angela Bassett.
With a line up like that, it will either be lightning in bottle or a complete disaster.
What do you think of the trailer?
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